that I might be Acclaimed
Bruised that I might be Beautified
Cursed that I might be Cured
Destroyed that I might be Decorated
Excommunicated that I might be Elevated
Forgotten that I might be Favoured
Gouged that I might be Glorified
Hurt that I might be Healed
Incarcerated that I might be Incorruptible
Judged that I might
be Justified
Killed that I might be Kept
Lynched that I might be Liberated
Mocked that I might be a Mystery
Nullified that I might be a Novel
Oppressed that I might be an Over comer
Prune that I might be Pure
Queried that I might be Qualified
Razed that I might be Ratified
Smashed that I might be Saved
Tantalized that I might be Triumphant
Undermined that I might be Useful
Victimised that I might be a Victor
Weakened that I might be a winner
Xacerbated that I might be Xenorated
Yanked that I might be Yoked with
Zilch that I might be Zippy