September 30, 2015


At the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit held between 25th to 27th September, 2015; the former eights point MDGs goals are being metamorphosed into seventeen SDGs. The MDGs were actualised in some quarters but in some quarters were not, which led to the formation of SDGs. Just like the MDGs, the SDGS have fifteen years life span to fulfil their goals (2015 – 2030). The united Nations hope that a broader division of the former eight goals due to the reality of our present days and the additions of others erstwhile none deemed necessity like energy and the likes as increased the list.
Population growth and expansion has led to erstwhile birds food in Africa to be eaten has human foods. Many erstwhile condemned fruits will be consumed as food due in the nearest future due to desertification and global warming.
The main focus of this article is on poverty. The first goal of SDGs is:
End poverty in all its forms everywhere
The fact that poverty is considered has been sexist is based on the fact that when a man is poor he does not suffer much but when a woman is poor she suffers most. Also when a man is poor the children may necessary suffers but when a woman is poor the children suffers.
Someone might be quick to quote from the holy book that the height or degree of womanhood suffering is based on the biblical cursed from God, when He said to Eve ‘I will greatly multiply thy sorrow’ but someone must not forget that in the same Holy book, God told Adam ‘in sorrow shall thou eat’ Some scholars have affirm and confirm that the adjective ‘greatly multiply’ has increased the sorrow of women and the poverty been experienced the world over. The Family setting that encourages man going to work while the woman that gives birth to the child; nurse and tender the child has indirectly increased women poverty. The woman has to wait at home while she feeds herself with the income from the husband.
As we discussed this issue, we need to raise pertinent question to discuss whether this phenomenon known as poverty is really sexist.
1.      If all women goes to work like their husbands and all children are left in the hands of early childhood caregivers, will poverty still have a higher impact on woman? If it does then poverty is not sexist.
2.      If all men become care giver, nurses and home keeper while men depend on their wives income, will poverty impact be higher on men than women? If it does not then poverty is not sexiest.
3.      If we change the law of planet earth and we allow men to take custody of their children after divorce, will poverty still be burdensome on women than men? If yes then poverty is not sexiest.
4.      If we can reduce the number of women the world over and have a ratio of 1:1 for man and woman with an actual ratio of 1:1 in all sectors and forms of life in the world. If at that will poverty still weigh more on women to men? If poverty still does then poverty is not sexiest.
5.      If we can reduce the sexual insult and abuse against women. If we can stop all the crime against women and womanhood in the world, will women still be poorer than men? If yes then poverty is not sexiest.
This is a pure academic piece to discuss the fact whether poverty is really sexiest or not. There is no relevant data to test and that is why we raise this hypotheses.

We will love to hear your feedback on this.



This is an academic piece that analyse different methods of choosing marriage partner. The writer picks up biblical scenario and discusses them in full while providing take away.

Genesis chapter 24 : 1 - 67

Many a times we hear people quote the scriptures and allude to Isaac’s scenario as the best scenario for choosing a marriage partner. We will take a discussant view of this real life event and provide some take away, which will expect you the reader to ponder and develop the best path for your life.
Isaac was both the beloved and promised son of a rich man, who knows God personally and also knows the plan of God for his son. He was a son that grew up among affluence and jealousy. He had his Father determined the family he married from. The father eldest servant was the person that went in search for his bride. Isaac was a man that goes to the field to meditate. Both the Father and the eldest servant prayed unto God for guidance. The eldest servant was a careful and diligent person. He had his peace and the right and spoke when expected. He was also a man that was not carried away by half success; he went out for the kill and will not rest until He takes the rightful wife home for his master’s son. Isaac loved her and was comforted in her.
We saw Rebecca, a diligent lady. She was selfless, virtuous and determined. She took the opportunity at the moment it was presented. She was a faith-filled lady ready to leave home to go marry a man he never knew. Her family blessed her and prayed for her. She was selfless, humble, submissive and ready for the task ahead of her.

Take Away
1.      Every Parent should be interested in his children marriage
2.      Servants (Pastors, Teachers, and friends) should be interested in their parents’ children wedding. We can do the simple task of praying for others marriage. It is disheartening to see families and friends wishing evil for married couples.
3.      Every person need to have time out for meditation
4.      Every single person should readily prepare themselves so that when the opportunity to marry comes they will be able to take it.
5.      The parent, the servants and everyone involve in choosing a marriage partner must ask from God wisdom to know when to speak and when to keep silence.
6.      The singles that are planning to choose their marriage must be ready to love their partners and find consolation in them
7.      The will to love is a necessity in marriage. That you loved her before marriage and never know her until the day of your wedding is not the question b the determination to love is a necessity in marriage.
8.      Marriage provides comfort. The question is not whether you spouse is making your life comfortable but the decision to be comforted, which is based on loving your partner.

We will love to get your feedback on this.

September 29, 2015


This is an academic piece that analyse different methods of choosing marriage partner. The writer picks up biblical scenario and discusses them in full while explaining ways of choosing marriage partners.

Genesis chapter 2 : 18, 21-25

Many a times we hear people quote the scriptures and allude to Adam’s case as an option in choosing a marriage partner. Adam was a created being and not a born being.
Adam never grew up as a child with the teaching and learning that marriage is what makes a man complete. He never had to compete and choose among different women. He was the only one that understood what life without a woman is and yet instantly accepts the woman as his bone once he saw her. He must have known and understand what God means when He said it is not good for man to live alone. He never had an experience from other, older or younger couple but set the pace for the whole of human race. He is the only man in history that God will take out his bone and make a woman from it because nobody after Adam will have his bone and rib remove to create a woman in our present world anymore.   
As much as I won’t like to make a generalised statement, which will be tantamount to a derogatory statement, I won’t want us to just pick a biblical character in time and space and base all our teaching and learning on him. God brought Adam’s wife to him and will still bring any man his wife if he so desires but we cannot all wait for God to bring to us our wives so of us must go in search for them. The fact that Adam named all animals simply means He knew all animals and has fellowship with them and yet still had a craving for another type of fellowship. Adam knows where all living beings are and nothing is hidden from him yet God brought the woman to him. God could have simply kept the woman somewhere and allowed Adam to go look for her but God decided to bring him to Adam. God knows the perfect way to achieve his goals. Adam knew his wife immediately he saw her. Love at first sight cannot be categorically condemned. He accepted God’s choice of a spouse. He never complained that He does not need a wife to be complete. God knows what we need and when we need it. God gave him the wife at the appropriate time. God allow Adam to sleep, God can still allow a man to sleep either physically, medically, psychologically, academically and financially in order to bring the woman he needs in his life. The man has to leave father and mother not to forget them but to cleave to his wife. A man’s father and mother are the nearest kin on earth to man, which means that after marriage a man nearest kin on earth should be his wife. Heaven help you if you wife is not the nearest kin to you on earth.

We will love to get your feedback on this.

September 26, 2015























... All the above are not enough to achieve a holistic life on earth and get you to heaven but Jesus is ENOUGH