She came in the wee hours of the
She came unannounced, uninvited and
She came in stealthily, silently
and slowly,
She came in and took away …
She took our loved one away,
She left our eyes with tears and our
heart with sorrow,
She kills with no remorse, regard
and reason,
She shook our warm hands with her
cold hands and left with rain of tears,
She is brave, bold and boisterous,
She does has she pleases and we
cannot plead with her
She is our nightmare and our
creditor and comes to collect her debt whenever she wills,
She causes pangs and the pain
inflicted has no equal,
She is Mrs Death and she comes to
suspend life on planet earth,
She came to send the living souls
back to the creator,
She brought eternal joy to saints
by translating them to Heaven,
She brought eternal sorrow to the
sinners by translating them to hell.