August 05, 2015


And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, WHERE ART THOU? Genesis 3:9
As God calls unto Adam in the Edenic garden, He still calls out to Men, Women, youth, teenagers and children in our days with the ever-green question: where art thou? God asks this ancient question today so as to allow for personal assessment by man and our answer to this question shows the perspective of our life. An objective search of your life will give you a perfect answer. As He calls today, what will your response be?

I heard thy voice and hid my face [Genesis 3:10]       or        Here I am (Isaiah 6:8)

All men after the fall of Adam automatically answer God’s call with shame and therefore hide themselves because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). God in his love gave us a perfect redeemer in Christ Jesus of whom the scripture declares He shall bruise the head of Satan and restore man to God. Any man that seeks to answer God’s call rightly, must admit is nothingness, confess his wrongdoings, repent of his sins and declares Jesus as his Lord and personal Saviour, (Proverb 28:13, Acts 3:19, Luke 15:20-24).
All He wants from you is conviction that leads to conversion because conviction without conversion is not sufficient. Judah Iscariot had such experience but later committed suicide.
As he called unto Abram to leave his native land; Moses to leave Jethro his father-in-law; the sons of Zebedee’s to leave their father’s ship; Saul of tarsus to leave the Pharisees religion and a whole cloud of other witnesses. He beckons on you today to forsake your sin, repent of them and accept Jesus Christ into your life. He calls you to-

Abide in Him                                                                        
Believe in Him        
Camp with Him                                                              
Delight in Him
Eat with His                                                                      
Fellowship with Him
Glorify him                                                                          
Honour Him
Intercede for His church                                               
Join His glorious banner
Kneel for His church                                                       
Love one another
Meditate on His word                                                      
Nudge others to live for Him
Obey Him                                                                             
Preach His word
Quits from grieving Him                                                
Run for Him            
Speak for Him                                                                     
Teach others His word
Understand His word                                                      
Voice Him to others
Work and Walk for Him                                                 
X-ray your life before Him
Yield your life to Him                                                      
Zealously love Him

What will your answer be?
Where thou art today will determine where you will be tomorrow . . .  Heaven or Hell.