August 05, 2015



I knew a family. The husband is more concerned with his younger brother’s family than his. The younger brother lost custody of his three kids to his wife due to incapacitation. When the younger brother was rich, he disregarded his family, never take care of them, lavish his wealth on himself, stay out for days and seldom come home. His riches, like a bird grew wings and flew away and he is returned to the family he abandons. His life is a story of tales and woes and his wife moved out with the children. The elder brother took the responsibility of caring for his brother to the neglect of his family. A look at his wife and children and you will hear the secrets whispers ‘take care of us like your younger brother’
My parents said, the elder brother family used to be beautiful but the impact of his younger brother divorce has a negative effect on his family. He allowed the calamities of his younger brother to affect the beauties of his family. Sometimes I look into the distant future and ask myself, will there ever come a time in which I will place my siblings above my family? Is it wise to make your money to raise the family of another man that is not ready to work at the expense of your family? I have learnt to always hope for the best and plan for the worst.
As good as work is, workaholics never live long. Most workaholics spend so much time on their job and consequently eject God, friends and family; like a cycle they also have been ejected by their work. Most workaholics become incapacitated before realising their dispensability as workers and indispensability as parents and families. As wonderful and appealing it is to be ‘jack’ ‘most intelligent’ and ‘dependable’ staff, never lose sight of the most important things in your life because when you are gone, work will still be here but relationships may be gone.
I learnt of a pastor, he was a renowned minister of the gospel, in the early days of his ministry he was invited for a meeting by some older ministers, whom he respected. His respects for them make him almost ignore the Spirit’s prompting to decline the invitation. When he met one of the ministers days later, he was shocked because had he attended the meeting, he would have been killed for his righteous stance and teaching. I believed that even if he was in attendance, God may still save him but his ministry may be gone.  His ministry increase, his days were fulfilled and he has passed on to glory. Sometimes compromise either through the spirit advice or man (like Moses father in-law advice) is a needed tool in life. It is good to have ideas but be ready to compromise (not commit sin) in order to see the dream actualise than spend your years daydreaming about a future that will die with you when you are dead.

Never take another man’s burden on yourself to the detriment of your own soul
Life is complex; never think you can do it alone
Life is not a movie, where ‘actor never dies’
Life is full of unprecedented happenings; make hay while the sunshine and gather dependable friends (Luke 16:9 - And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations)

Live a life of integrity and you won’t have to remember many things nor cover many tracks
Live a life of integrity, it helps even in old age
Never trust much people (Micah 7:5 - Trust you not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lies in thy bosom.) we can’t be wiser than the Bible
You can never have it both ways in life
There are always more than two options in life; it is only eternity that has two options
Don’t waste time you don’t have
Today’s lie will jeopardise the veracity of tomorrow’s truth, don’t tell or joke with lie
Never stop people when they speak about their feeling, they try so hard to get those words out and if shut back may never be spoken again or spoken too late
Everyone as a weakness be careful when you are playing tough the other man may know about your weakness