August 05, 2015


After a delightful discourse with Divinity, I have been assured that your singleness will soon be spurn and replaced with sublimity because your IDEAL PARTNER is been:

Assembled by the Almighty                                  
Beautified by the Brave
Crafted by Christ                                                    
Decked by the Doctor
Engrafted by Emmanuel                                        
Feathered by the Father
Groomed by the Great                                            
Healed by the Healer
Increased by the Indomitable                               
Justified by the Judge
Knighted by the King                                             
Lead by the Lamb
Model by the Messiah                                            
Nurtured by the Nourisher
Oiled by the Omega                                    
Packaged by the Pure
Quiet by the Quick                                                 
Raised by the Righteous
Sealed by the Saviour                                             
Tutored by the Teacher
Unleashed by the Umpire                                      
Vindicated by the Victor
Washed by the Water                                             
X-rayed by the X-ray
Yoked by Yahweh                                                  
Zipped by the Zenith

Never worry or fret because He that satisfies is in you working a miracle.