I listened to this video with the above universal
resources location and the following questions crept up on my mind.
What if the mother in-law has prayed that his son
become gay, will you have gotten a groom?
What if your own father has suggested you become a
lesbian because no man will love you like him?
Can all the suffering a mother endured for and from
his children justify the placing of curse on such child?
Is the sentencing of a child to a life of
homosexuality the best overall goal of motherhood?
What if Eve, the mother of all humans on the earth has
prayed that Abel, Cain and Seth become gay, what will her daughters have said?
Our parents went through such pain but saw a higher
glory in us being married and giving birth to children, therefore the allowed
us to marry. Was this woman selfish, jealous or ego-centric?
We can give any name to her desire and decision but
this is an age long discourse. The above are some of the many questions that
pops up daily in our several lives and it has been passed on from generation to
generation, the over indulgence mummy that wants to control the life of the son
and want to willingly control the son’s wife. The aggrieved wife that wants to
retaliate the suffering she went through from her mother in-law on her future
daughter in-law.
Won’t it be a better world if we learn to forgive our
past and take on a new lifestyle, we need to forget the past and be hopeful of
a new future even if we never had one. We should not be so embittered to the
point of losing common sense. Let all the abused and pain-filled women in the
world forgive their offenders and pray for a better tomorrow for their children
and spouse and rather not pass on the hate-filled life to others in order for
us to have a better life.
Marriage is for procreation, protection, purity
partnership, pleasure, power, preservation yet because of pain a single mother
because of pain want to deprive the son of this.
It reminds me of the biblical mother of Jabez (Sorrow)
and Ichabod (the glory of God has departed), they both gave their children bad
name because of the situation that surrounds the birth of those children.
Though I am not a woman and cannot underplay the pain of child birth yet the
future of a child should not be sum up in the momentary pain of child birth.
Jacob, a man of Faith knew better when he countered the name Benoni (son of my
pain) given by his wife to his last son with Benjamin (righteous young child).
How I wish we have fathers that can change the tide when women are held by
pains and are changing the glorious future of their children because of
momentary pain.
We can also remember the pain that Jesus went through
yet he never abandon the whole of humanity but went through it all for all of
humanity. No wonder the scripture says sucking mother may forsake you but God
will not forget you. Though not all women are alike but the ever uniqueness of
God makes him dependable throughout all life challenges and he will never leave
us. I suggest that woman should look into the future rather than allow the
momentary pain to make them make grave mistakes.