Are you:
Anchored by Shames
Bedridden by Sickness
Cursed by low living
Derailed by falsehood
Eliminated by grudge and
Frustrated by foes and families
Gorged by the Garrulous men
Hindered by Heathen
Injured by the injustice of men
Jones by the Judges of this world
Kidnapped by the King
Lied to by liars
Nudge to nothingness by the
Oppressed by the Opportunists
Persecuted by the powers that be
Quiet by the Queen of this world
Ravished by racial plots
Subjugated by sinners
Tormented by Tyrant traitors
Undermine by the Umpire of this
Vexed by the vicissitudes of life
Weaken by evil witnesses against you
Yielding to the youthful yoke of sin