May 22, 2015


The marketing and business promotion industry has bequeathed so much lie on our generation. And as one writer deduce, lies that is constantly reiterated will one day be accepted as true. My generation now faces the daunting task of discerning lies that has been upheld as unequivocally truth. One of the perpetuated lies is that pleasure and beauty will satisfy the longings of the heart. That is why all adverts have been linked to beauty and pleasure.
A realization that this people did not just wake with self thought or academic gambling but that this lies are directly based on strong intellectual and academic research leaves us to much wandering and pondering. A particular research finds out that eighty percent of adults purchase things just as they do when they were toddlers. It infers that the child instinctive and impulse buying spree lifestyle is common among adults and this is both a truth and a cause for concern. The research also finds out that the following ideal: bigger is better; end justifying the means and a whole lot of other ideals are prevalent among adults.
The disposition of these ‘truths’ to our world have so profound effects but the truth of beauty and pleasure as the basis for increasing turnover is the fancy of this article. The marketing industry imposes on us the need to look beautiful, curvy, sexy and pleasurable in order to increase sales, though looking and being beautiful in itself is not bad the generalization of it as the basis for growth is misleading and dangerous. This lie, which started not too long ago, has gradually become a truth, which has eaten deep into the fabric of the society so much that no single advert is make without the inclusion of pleasure and beauty. Even the internet has taken the advert to a new dimension; you rarely browse any website without a side call to pleasure and beauty, advert that are supposed to show strength still have space for sublimity.
The advert industry has also affected the entertainment industry so much that all music video shows the musician as people living large and enjoying the best of life pleasure while also showing beautiful pictures of hips, lips, curves, shapes and figures. This twin has increase the wealth of beauty products maker and provider great jobs for the teeming populace. Plastic surgery is also increasing by the day. 
The industry has forced us to believe that pleasure and beauty is all that there is all to life, which therefore necessitates that all of man effort must be directed to the procurement of beauty and pleasure.


I would neither condemned the pleasure filled people nor the beautiful ones; either I won’t want them to condemn those that have not chosen that life path. A sage once said ‘beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.’ So as we go on in life let all live together without the advert company bombarding us with lie turn truth due to repetition.
As an economist I understand the CBA of beauty and pleasure and the decision to use what you have to get what you don’t have. This is the basis of business. Trade by barter is also based on giving what you have in exchange for what you don’t have. 

 Therefore as we go on in life, let remember that there are so many lie turn truth and that there are so many truth turn lie. Study, read, meditate and set a pace for your feet in the sand of time.

The writer believes in eternity, which has either Heaven or hell to everybody that once lived on planet earth. Obey Jesus Christ and you are sure of getting to Heaven, disobey Jesus Christ and you are sure of spending eternity in hell. The real beauty and pleasure of life is to live a life with eternity in view.
All of earth pleasure and beauty WITHOUT Jesus Christ will end in eternal misery
All of earth pleasure and beauty WITH Jesus Christ will end in eternal mystery