It is a busy world ... but never be too busy to:
Appreciate others
Beckon goodbye and hello
Care for colleagues
Dance with your loved ones
Enjoy moments with your enemies
Fellowship with the fatherless
Grace the ceremonies you are invited to
Hallucinate about your dreams
Insulate yourself from the whim and
caprices of the devil
Judge your actions and intentions
Kill all and any habit that is destructive
in your life
Love the world
Meditate on the word of God
Nudge a friend
Obey your parents, spouse, siblings and
Preach to and pray for someone
Quit sinning
Raise your voice for a good cause
Sow seeds of love in others
Teach others, tender others and train
Use your gifts for the world
Vacillate and ponder a while before
making decision
WOW the world
X-ray your life before the mirror of God
Yield your life to JESUS CHRIST and HIS gospel
Zing through the crowd to achieve stardom
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