Everywhere I turn I see friends writing and signing
‘I was here’ ‘Never to be forgotten’ ‘always to be remembered’ ‘remember me’ ‘I
wish we could stay here forever’ ... and I smile.
I remembered my valedictory service and convocation ceremony,
the endless hugs, tears, goodbyes, promises to keep in touch and my favourite
music: Graduation by Vitamin C and I suddenly realised that my secret thoughts
and desires to always be remembered is in all of my fellow companions on this
planet called Earth. We all long for companionship and have an innate desire to
always stay relevant.
Some musicians sang about it, some writers wrote
about it and I think this desire is necessary because we are an eternal being
and a never dying soul. It is wonderful to know that though death terminates
life on planet Earth, it also leads us into life eternal that we crave for.
Living forever on this planet will not be the best
for us and looking at the earth carrying capacity we cannot all live on planet
earth at the same time, therefore it is necessary we cast off this mortal body
to gain an immortal body with which we will
live forever.
Now that we know we will live forever, there are
some points will have to know and we are to make decisions based on them.
There are only two eternal homes and our eternal
soul will dwell in either one of them. To the statisticians these eternal home
are mutually exclusive; it simply means one can only be in one. When we enter
one of the eternal homes we can no longer cross to the other one. Our eternal
soul will forever live in either Heaven or Hell. The next question is founding
both the necessary and sufficient condition of getting into any of these
eternal homes and to also find the one with the maximum benefits and seek to
get there in order to maximise eternity.
The necessary condition for Heaven is: Eternal Soul
+ Salvation
The necessary condition for Hell is: Eternal Soul +
Heaven is filled with joy, gold, grandeur, peace,
food, water and God
Hell is filled with worm, pain, fire, constant cries
and Satan
Once we are born into this world, we are
automatically destined to eternity and that is why eternal soul, which is in
every human is the necessary condition for eternity but we have to make great
conscious effort to choose between salvation and sin, which are also mutually
exclusive events in order to chose our eternal home.
Salvation is non-involvement in sin plus living a
life of holiness
Sin is lying, cursing, sexual perversion, stealing,
abortion plus living a life of hypocrisy
As time ticks and season pass, we all draw nearer to
our extinction from this mortal body into our immortal bodies and the decision
we make now will automatically affects where we will spend eternity. I
religious challenge and exhort that you ponder the path of Salvation which
leads to heaven and it is there that eternity can be maximised.
Choose salvation and you will have maximum utility
in eternity in Heaven.