October 29, 2013


Purpose to         Ask instead of Assume
Purpose to         Believe more in Emmanuel than in Economics analysis
Purpose to be    Christlike and Childlike in all I do
Purpose to be    Diligent in Decision making
Purpose to         Exercise more Faith
Purpose to be    Faithful in little things
Purpose to be    Grateful for what I have and what I don’t have
Purpose to be    Humble & Holy
Purpose to be    Industrious and Intelligent
Purpose to be    Just in all my dealings with men, nature and God
Purpose to         Kneel before the Saviour each day
Purpose to         Live to the fullest
Purpose to         Meditate more
Purpose to         Never underestimate anybody
Purpose to         Open the door of opportunity for all around me
Purpose to         Perspire in personal pursuit
Purpose to         Quietly wait than hurriedly run
Purpose to         Rely wholly on Christ
Purpose to         Seal up tomorrow vision until tomorrow
Purpose to         Talk less and think more
Purpose to         Understand others more
Purpose to         Visit the library more ofter
Purpose to         Witness more of Christ’s redemptive work
Purpose to         Xray all my daily actions before I sleep
Purpose to be    Yielded to my passion
Purpose to be    Zealous for righteousness