August 05, 2023


 … She begins her new story with the word of wisdom from the last one. She has a plethora of stories to share and we, children just enjoy the fun time plus the sweets Mama shares ...

It is the weekend again and Mama has called us for another moonlight story. Today’s story will be shared in her parlour and not under the Mango tree because we are in the rainy season.

Today, she began, I want to tell you a story about the men and women of our town. Just as the Sun rises and sets, all the men and women of our town will rise and set.

It is the law of life, Mama said, and there is nothing we can do about it. Just as the Sun shines for longer hours some days and lesser hours some days; some will live a longer life and some will live a not so longer life. The certainty that either we live long or not so long; we will soon be gone from this life to be replaced by others, just as we have replaced the former remind us that life is a continuum.

What is Continuum ask Alan, my son it simply means “something that comes and go with no end” just like the rainy season that comes and go every year without end. Before we were born, there was rainy season; in our lifetime, there is rainy season; when we are long gone, there will still be rainy season.

The longevity and brevity of life is not what you should fear nor that life is a continuum because there is nothing you can do about it.

You should fear having the opportunity to live and never truly living. To avoid that you need to always do better than your yesterday.

My children, there will be up and down in life but always strive to be better than you were yesterday. Be bent on being better than your yesterday.  

Like this continuum, called life; you will soon be gone; your pain and your opportunities will be gone also; and others will replace you like you replace the people that were here before you.

When in eternity, you peek into this life, will you be satisfied you did your best.

This is the end of my story today my children.

Let us sing our closing song for today.

Good, better, best

I shall never rest

Until my good is better

and my better is best

I shall never rest.