March 10, 2016


Taking a glossary look at Disney movies ( there is a recurrent pattern among them.
There is always a star act in Disney movies. Jesus Christ is the star act of this world.
Love and forgiveness is a common theme. Jesus is love and he loves us more than we can imagine and He also readily forgives us of our sins.
There is always an enemy or opposition. Satan is endless foe of man in this world.
The costumes and colours are wonderful. Jesus Christ is the expression of beauty.
The movies have a way of shaping the future and impacting on viewers. Jesus Christ shapes the past, present and future and has eternal impact on all humans that ever lived.
All movies have a beginning and an end. Jesus Christ is both the beginning and the end of all human beings.
There are always the spectators. Jesus Christ has a lot of spectators worshipping him.
There are always countless lessons to learn. When you feed on Jesus’ word: BIBLE, there are countless lessons to learn.
They always talk of a better tomorrow. Jesus is the provider of a better tomorrow and also the ‘better tomorrow’ personified.
They always talk of utopia. Jesus Christ is the utopia
They always talk of medicine that would make one eternally young. The acceptance of Jesus Christ and believe in Him gives the hope of Heaven, a place we will be eternally young
They talk of saviours that saved our planet from aliens. Jesus saves all of human from sins.
They talk of aliens. Sin is the only alien
They talk of life from cradle to old age and a happily ever after. Jesus commands our life from cradle to eternity. It is only in Jesus Christ that ‘happily ever’ can be found.
Disney Movies preached the Lordship, Son hip and eternality of Jesus Christ through their movies and I present to YOU that same Jesus whom in all the movies ever produced by Disneyland has been talked about.
And Jesus said ‘I am the truth and the Lie and no man cometh to the father but by me.’
‘No man has ever seen the Father but I and I go to prepare a place for you in my father’s house and would come back and take you to my home.’
That same Jesus cometh soon, are you prepared to meet him?
Revelation 22 vs 12 ‘And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.’