This is an academic piece that analyse
different methods of choosing marriage partner. The writer picks up biblical scenario
and discusses them in full while explaining ways of choosing marriage partners.
Genesis chapter
2 : 18, 21-25
Many a
times we hear people quote the scriptures and allude to Adam’s case as an
option in choosing a marriage partner. Adam was a created being and not a born
Adam never
grew up as a child with the teaching and learning that marriage is what makes a
man complete. He never had to compete and choose among different women. He was
the only one that understood what life without a woman is and yet instantly accepts
the woman as his bone once he saw her. He must have known and understand what
God means when He said it is not good for man to live alone. He never had an
experience from other, older or younger couple but set the pace for the whole
of human race. He is the only man in history that God will take out his bone
and make a woman from it because nobody after Adam will have his bone and rib remove
to create a woman in our present world anymore.
As much as
I won’t like to make a generalised statement, which will be tantamount to a
derogatory statement, I won’t want us to just pick a biblical character in time
and space and base all our teaching and learning on him. God brought Adam’s
wife to him and will still bring any man his wife if he so desires but we
cannot all wait for God to bring to us our wives so of us must go in search for
them. The fact that Adam named all animals simply means He knew all animals and
has fellowship with them and yet still had a craving for another type of
fellowship. Adam knows where all living beings are and nothing is hidden from
him yet God brought the woman to him. God could have simply kept the woman
somewhere and allowed Adam to go look for her but God decided to bring him to
Adam. God knows the perfect way to achieve his goals. Adam knew his wife
immediately he saw her. Love at first sight cannot be categorically condemned. He
accepted God’s choice of a spouse. He never complained that He does not need a
wife to be complete. God knows what we need and when we need it. God gave him
the wife at the appropriate time. God allow Adam to sleep, God can still allow
a man to sleep either physically, medically, psychologically, academically and
financially in order to bring the woman he needs in his life. The man has to
leave father and mother not to forget them but to cleave to his wife. A man’s father
and mother are the nearest kin on earth to man, which means that after marriage
a man nearest kin on earth should be his wife. Heaven help you if you wife is
not the nearest kin to you on earth.
We will
love to get your feedback on this.