Adulterer came in and sowed the seed of adultery and we have adulterous assembly
Beast came in and sowed beauty without biblical conviction and we have bribed-brotherhood
Criminals came in and sowed corruption tactics and we have crime in the congregation
Deceivers came in and sowed deceit and we have deluded disciples
Enemies came in and sowed emotion without energy and all our encomium is at low ebb
Fraudsters came in and sowed falsification and we have faithless families
Gangsters invaded our gardens and we have grown-up that don't know God
Humanist gave us homosexuals and removed Holiness and we have hypocrites in the house
Intelligent came in and indoctrinated us and we have individualistic idealist
Judges brought in jury to demean the just in the land and we have jungle justice
Killers came in and killed the king therefore the kindred lost her kindness
Liers came into our lodge and both our leaders and laity now have lying lip
Murderers came in and preached morality without mercy and we have monstrous men
Nollywood came in and sowed nakedness and we have naughtiness in Nigeria
Opportunist said stolen water is sweet and we have open-dearth
Prostitutes came in and sowed prostitution and both the pew and pulpit are powerless
Queen queried us and our quest have been quieted
Rushers took our rest and gave us the racing spirit and we lost our radiance
Sinners sowed sexual compatibility and we have sexually active singles in sheep's clothing
Teachers have taught us terrible things and our tenderness is torn
Universities said the Universe Umpire is unbiased therefore we have united sinners
Villian have use vain words and our vein is infected with vanity
Warriors said weakness is a sin and it is synonymous with losers therefore war is continuous
Zealot came and taught us zeal without seal
"But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way." Matthew 13:25
All pictures are taken from google
Beast came in and sowed beauty without biblical conviction and we have bribed-brotherhood
Criminals came in and sowed corruption tactics and we have crime in the congregation
Deceivers came in and sowed deceit and we have deluded disciples
Enemies came in and sowed emotion without energy and all our encomium is at low ebb
Fraudsters came in and sowed falsification and we have faithless families
Gangsters invaded our gardens and we have grown-up that don't know God
Humanist gave us homosexuals and removed Holiness and we have hypocrites in the house
Intelligent came in and indoctrinated us and we have individualistic idealist
Judges brought in jury to demean the just in the land and we have jungle justice
Killers came in and killed the king therefore the kindred lost her kindness
Liers came into our lodge and both our leaders and laity now have lying lip
Murderers came in and preached morality without mercy and we have monstrous men
Nollywood came in and sowed nakedness and we have naughtiness in Nigeria
Opportunist said stolen water is sweet and we have open-dearth
Prostitutes came in and sowed prostitution and both the pew and pulpit are powerless
Queen queried us and our quest have been quieted
Rushers took our rest and gave us the racing spirit and we lost our radiance
Sinners sowed sexual compatibility and we have sexually active singles in sheep's clothing
Teachers have taught us terrible things and our tenderness is torn
Universities said the Universe Umpire is unbiased therefore we have united sinners
Villian have use vain words and our vein is infected with vanity
Warriors said weakness is a sin and it is synonymous with losers therefore war is continuous
Zealot came and taught us zeal without seal
"But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way." Matthew 13:25
All pictures are taken from google