May 10, 2013


O! An Ancient Father, God and Creator
O! An Ancient Son, God and Creator
O! An Ancient Spirit, God and Creator

Alas, for Man the glory of all creations
Has fallen prey to the deceitfulness of Satan: (The Deceiver, Dragon and Devil)
Sin has brought down Man from his lofty position, ‘Crown of creations’
To the side of hell the eternal abode of Satan
Man marred in Sin and bound for Eternal Damnation!
Any hope of reconciliation between Man and the Ancient Creator?
What a Hope that Sin-ruined man can now escape Eternal Damnation
Bought and Brought by the Ancient Son on the cross with the statement
IT IS FINISHED!                   IT IS FINISHED!!                              IT IS FINISHED!!!
On the Cross, Ancient Saviour bruised the head of Satan: (The Deceiver, Dragon and Devil)
Now Man can freely go to the Ancient Saviour for Pardon and Peace.
Have you been to the Ancient Saviour for victory over Satan, Sickness and Sin?
Rejection of the Ancient Salvation means acceptance of eternal damnation
Acceptance of the Ancient Salvation means rejection of eternal damnation
The Ancient Saviour waits for you today and will be glad to receive you into his Ancient mansion: Heaven – the abode of saints