March 27, 2015


in love - ‘emotional attachment, strong likeness or physical bond between two people of the opposite gender’
Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Hebrews 13:4

When you decide to marry, being in love is neither the necessary nor the sufficient condition for determining whom you marry. The choice of whom you marry is fully dependent on the creator of marriage and that is God himself, yet your choice as a free will person cannot be subjugated. This is not to say that the outcome of Lord Thomas and Fair Ellender we be the outcome if we marry someone you are not in love with.
That it takes ‘two to tangle’ is an old proverb and Amos 3:3 speaks volume of the necessity, willingness and readiness to walk the marriage journey with your partner only if both of you agrees together. The decision to marry then is beyond being in love but having a determination to weather the seasons of life both good and bad with the person. This decision is same as choosing to love. It is not necessary that you marry the person you are in.
To some the marriage process is like this:
Man meets lady, they starts a conversation, then a relationship, then love grows, man suddenly finds out he is in love with lady, then man proposes to lady, lady weighs the proposal and ponder if he is in love with the man or not, if she thinks she is in love, she says yes and if she thinks she is not in love, she says no. This completes the marriage process and gives birth to the marriage life.
The above marriage processes is good if either of the man or lady does not falls out of love but the reality of offenses cannot be overlooked therefore there is bound to be the possibility of falling out of love. The decision to divorce when you fall out of love becomes the logical conclusion since you are married because you are in love. The choice to choose to love when the in love fantasy, which psychologists have adjured to last an average of two years is gone pose a reality, which is, you can choose to marry someone you are not in love with once you are determined to choose to love.
The above conclusion simply acts as a premise to the fact that we need to consult God in the choice of life partner. The assurance that we can choose to love makes the decision to ask God for direction in the choice of marriage partner not only necessary but also sufficient because He is the creator of marriage. Someone can posit, why ask God when I can choose to love? Answer: He is the maker and originator of marriage. This conclusion also poses its own challenges, which is the possibility of God’s choice not being the person you are in love with.
Marriage is both a covenant and a contract. A covenant because it is binding on both partners and a contract because it is voluntarily entered in with legal expectation and responsibilities from both parties.
The necessary condition for finding a wife is that the person is saved and the sufficient condition is the leading of the Lord towards your partner as the choice for you. Other test like peace, pastor, physician, physical, priority and purpose tests will all help to confirm God’s choice.
Trials, temptations after going after God’s choice does not necessarily mean the partner is not God’s choice; they may be test along your marital path. God is the author of marriage and must therefore set the standard.
If we are to accept God’s choice as the final (necessary and sufficient condition) authority in the choice of who we marry, it is more likely that we may not all marry who we are in love with but there is always the will to love whom we marry. The will to love God’s choice for your life far outweighs the possibilities and future happiness you may assume if the person you are in love with is not the person God has prepared for you but you still go ahead to marry each other.
In the finally conclusion, as you ponder on the thought of who to marry, you need to remember that it is not necessary that you marry someone you are in love with but rther that the person is God’s choice for you and it is sufficient that you must choose to love after the confession of faith and love at the marriage altar.